産品特点: 1,采用优质的热变形小的模具钢; 2,两面都装有来自欧洲的进口发热管,以保证加热平衡,温度分布均匀易维护及更换。 3,特别爲分流板而设计的加热控温器合理分布在分流板上; 4,光滑的流道设计及加工确保流道内无滞料; 5,分流板系统有从“1、2、3、4、6、8、12、16、24、32”等不同的出胶排位,可满足不同客户的不同産品的需要。 6,J型热电偶与FLYSET智能化温控器相配合使用效果较佳。 Product characteristics: One, a high-quality thermal deformation small mold steel; Two, two from Europe are equipped with heat pipe imports, in order to ensure balanced heating, the temperature distribution of ease of maintenance and replacement. 3, especially designed for streaming plate of the heating temperature control distribution in a reasonable diversion board; 4, smooth flow of the design and processing to ensure no delay in the flow channel materials; 5, triage system from the board "1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,32" of a different plastic qualifying to meet different customer needs of the different products. 6, J-type thermocouple for temperature control and intelligent FLYSET matched the best use.