ROTFIL加热圈技术数据: *外壳材料:CrNi钢。 *内部绝缘材料:强力压缩氧化镁。 *发热线制成之後经回火处理,可绕成各种形状。 *充分加热接触面积,较高效的热传导。 *绝热效果好,较长的使用寿命。 *抗机械冲击力强。 *品质好,热惯性小。 *工作温度可升高到700摄氏度(1300华氏度)。 *可弯曲成各种要求的形状。可选择内置式热电偶(J型和K型)。 *10款不同的截面形状,可满足各种的需要。 大陆标准库存规格:截面(MM) 直条长度(MM)功率(瓦特)。2.2*4.2*600MM*385W,2.2*4.2*700MM*450W,2.2*4.2*800MM*525W, 2.2*4.2*900MM*600W,2.2*4.2*1000MM*660W,2.2*4.2*1200MM*800W, 3.3*3.3*500MM*400W,3.3*3.3*600MM*450W,3.3*3.3*700MM*500W, 3.3*3.3*800MM*600W,3.3*3.3*900MM*700W,3.3*3.3*1000MM*800W, 3.3*3.3*1200MM*900W,3.3*3.3*1400MM*1000W,3.3*3.3*1600MM*1100W, 3.3*3.3*1800MM*1250W,3.3*3.3*2000MM*1400W, ROTFIL heating laps technical data: * Enclosures: CrNiMEL steel. * Internal insulation materials: magnesium powerful compression. * Made the hotline after the tempering, and orbit into various shapes. * Adequate heating contact area, the most efficient heat conduction. * Adiabatic effect, a longer life. * Anti-strong mechanical shock. * Good quality, thermal inertia small. * Temperature rose to 700 degrees Celsius (1,300 degrees Fahrenheit). * Bending into the shape of the requirements. Optional built-in thermocouple (J and K). * 10 different cross-section shape to meet various needs. The inventory standard specifications: section (MM) of the straight length (MM) power (watts). 2.2 * 4.2 * * 600MM 385W, 2.2 * 4.2 * * 700MM BA, 2.2 * 4.2 * * 800MM warming, 2.2 * 4.2 * * 900MM 600W, 2.2 * 4.2 * * 1000MM 660W, 2.2 * 4.2 * * 1200MM 800W, 3.3 * 3.3 * * 500MM 400W, 3.3 * 3.3 * * 600MM BA, 3.3 * 3.3 * * 700MM 500W, 3.3 * 3.3 * * 800MM 600W, 3.3 * 3.3 * * 900MM 700W, 3.3 * 3.3 * * 1000MM 800W, 3.3 * 3.3 * * 1200MM 900W, 3.3 * 3.3 * * 1400MM 1000W, 3.3 * 3.3 * 1100 * 1600MM, 3.3 * 3.3 * * 1800MM 1250W, 3.3 * 3.3 * * 2000MM 1400W,